Friday 11 November 2011

Son Of Rambow

The frame allows us to understand that the people standing out side the cinema, are a community working together to solve something. the problem could be the film that is showing because they are standing outside the cinema, maybe tiring to stop it from being shown to the public.  They all look like a religious group because of the way they are dress in long clothing which covers them. We are able to tell because of the passer who walk pass is wearing different type of clothing which is shorter then the group of peoples clothing. She seem like an out caster because she is not similar to the group because he clothing and her race.

 In this frame we can see a young boy looking across the road and going to read the bible. the young boy looks like he comes from the community and is part of the protest of realising the film. he may be reading the bible to show that the film is not a good film and is against the beliefs. the group of people seem like the have encouraged him to do so.

A bunch of people in the cinema watching a film. They are all smoking and staring at the screen with all their attention. In the background we are able to notice the no smoking sign which they seem to be ignoring. It seem like the audience are not really bothered about the sign because the majority of them are smoking.

The child is sitting on the other side of the cinema alone maybe for a reason to video the film and sale it as private copies. He is smoking which is not appropriate for his age, this may gives us the idea that he is not a good child. He is going against the no smoking rule.

In this frame we see the boy running out of the cinema, which could suggest that he got caught and is running out of trouble away from the cinema. He may be running home or somewhere to hide. it seem like he does not want to get caught.

 In this frame he is running extremely fast and has not slowed down, this could suggest that he might be late for something. Maybe getting home on time or running back to school.

In this frame the young boy throws a ball at a man who is doing his garden, we can tell that the young boy is a bully and that he picks on people. he could be the antagonist in the film because he smokes and has thrown a ball at a stranger for fun.

In this frame we can see the young boy running past a house. he runs past the house and then the title appears which could suggest that the house is important. 

In this frame we see the house we can tell that it is important and could be a main part of the film. This is because we see it before young boy runs past, while he runs past and after he runs past. 

1 comment:

  1. www a good effort to explore the nine frames chosen in some detail. You star well and show some use of media terminology. Good to use the words protagonist and antagonist.

    ebi you had used more semiotic language (denotation, connotation, signifier and signified) also if you could have engaged with the codes (technical, visual and written, enigma and action). Think also about narrative structure.
