Friday 25 November 2011


In the opening scene Blackpool we are able to tell that there is a family with a mother, father and there daughter. The parent are waiting home to see there daughter boyfriend and thinking what he would be like. they are shocked when they see him because he has a similar age to the father which shock and annoys her father.
       In the opening scene we are able to tell that the parent are dress like their in the nineties and if we were not  able to see the daughter walk in the audience may feel that the film is set in the nineties because of there dress scene. When the daughter walk in with her boyfriend we notice that see look older then her age which could suggest that she feel she is mature to be in a relationship with a man that twice her age. In the parent relationship we are able to tell that they are not close. For example the daughter and her boyfriend are sitting close together which  show that they are close in there relationship unlike the parent which sit spaced out from each other which show that there relationship is not really close.
       In the opening scene by consterating on the sound we hear their conversation of the parent and when the daughter and boyfriend appeared. we are also able to hear the door knocking, feet walking, breathing when everybody quiet because of the tention, shouting (talking really loud) and laughing. By concentrating on the sound we are able to tell what sort of character thy are. Like the father seem like a loud person with a temper. The mother seem like clam and controlling person toward the father because she gave him a look while he was talking to the boyfriend which made him quiet. the daughter seems defencive over her boyfriend we are able to tell this when the father tries to talk to her boyfriend she answers the question's for him, this show us that she loves him. The boyfriend seem informal
     The camera shots in the opening scene we can that the husband and wife ere separated this suggest their relationship is not close because in a shot they sitting not close together, it seem like they are symmetrical separated also the matching curtain and culturally are on each side of them. A long shot of the family sitting around the table showing them all together and who the daugther and her boyfriend and sitting close together and the parent sitting not as close.

    In the opening scene we can tell editing we used to show a close up of all the the faces to show them alone. Also editing show us both the couple close up and not close up to show us if they look like a couple. By seeing a close up of the daughter and her boyfriend we are able to tell that they are a couple unlike the parent which are sitting far form each other which may look like they are not a couple.

Friday 18 November 2011


In the opening scene i focused on the visual language which is what i saw, while watching i was able to notice by the first frame that the man was pushing the women away which suggested that he was in charge. i was able to notice that the women riding the truck was not shown as a stereotypical women. She dressed as a man and was working with a group of men. In the second scene we are able to notice that there is another women who was dressed  in a stereotypical way in a dress and wearing make-up.  In the film gender is represent in different ways this is because they showed us a women which dressed as a man and worked with men and another women who look like a normal women and how women are thought to be like.

In the opening scene we are able to notice that the protagonist is the man that works with the women; this is because the camera mainly focuses on him. Even though we may think that the women in the truck is the hero because she saved him from the animal which chased him, but in that same scene the man got the attention of the cheater so that it would leave the women alone. Also while they were having a conversation the camera forced on the mans facial expression even while he was not talking. the camera moves in closer to give a close up shot of his facial expression. In the opening scene i am not able to tell how the antagonist of the film is.

The enigma code of the film is while they were having a conversation and we did not know what was going to happen. The action code is when the man was being chased by the animal and trying to save his life. The equilibrium of the film is when the man and the women were having a conversation and the disequilibrium is when the cheater came a tried to eat or kill the man. Last of all the new equilibrium is when the women saved the man a shot the cheater and harmony returned.

Friday 11 November 2011

Son Of Rambow

The frame allows us to understand that the people standing out side the cinema, are a community working together to solve something. the problem could be the film that is showing because they are standing outside the cinema, maybe tiring to stop it from being shown to the public.  They all look like a religious group because of the way they are dress in long clothing which covers them. We are able to tell because of the passer who walk pass is wearing different type of clothing which is shorter then the group of peoples clothing. She seem like an out caster because she is not similar to the group because he clothing and her race.

 In this frame we can see a young boy looking across the road and going to read the bible. the young boy looks like he comes from the community and is part of the protest of realising the film. he may be reading the bible to show that the film is not a good film and is against the beliefs. the group of people seem like the have encouraged him to do so.

A bunch of people in the cinema watching a film. They are all smoking and staring at the screen with all their attention. In the background we are able to notice the no smoking sign which they seem to be ignoring. It seem like the audience are not really bothered about the sign because the majority of them are smoking.

The child is sitting on the other side of the cinema alone maybe for a reason to video the film and sale it as private copies. He is smoking which is not appropriate for his age, this may gives us the idea that he is not a good child. He is going against the no smoking rule.

In this frame we see the boy running out of the cinema, which could suggest that he got caught and is running out of trouble away from the cinema. He may be running home or somewhere to hide. it seem like he does not want to get caught.

 In this frame he is running extremely fast and has not slowed down, this could suggest that he might be late for something. Maybe getting home on time or running back to school.

In this frame the young boy throws a ball at a man who is doing his garden, we can tell that the young boy is a bully and that he picks on people. he could be the antagonist in the film because he smokes and has thrown a ball at a stranger for fun.

In this frame we can see the young boy running past a house. he runs past the house and then the title appears which could suggest that the house is important. 

In this frame we see the house we can tell that it is important and could be a main part of the film. This is because we see it before young boy runs past, while he runs past and after he runs past. 

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Children Of Men, The Battle Of Haditha, Batman

In the first scene of the children of men we are able to understand that there are no children in the UK. the youngest person was the age of 18 and was know all over the country as a celebrity. He was killed because he refused to sign an otograpth. Mise an scence is there are many people in a cafe listing to news. in the news we notice that all the people from different races have been deported back to there countries. we are able to see that the protagonist is the men how is not intrested in the news and pushes through to get a coffe. however we are not sure who the antagonist are and fell it may be the army because the seem to be controlling th country. The enigma code is the the news that people hear and which is very shocking. the action code is the bomb whcih happens in the cafe when the protagonist leaves. The equliibrium is every one in the cafe shop together listening to the news.

In the opening scene of the battle of haditha we are able to notice that the people telling us there view on iraq are in iraq. One of the men does not know why they are in iraq. The mise an scene is the people tellling us there views on iraq and what happened there. the equilibrium is based in iraq and the war. We are not able to know who the antagomist and protagomist are and it could be a mixture between the army and the civilians of the country .

In the opening scene of batman we are able to notice that there will be a burglary some where. The mise an scene is the people in the bank rob the bank and leave bombs in the hands of the bank worker so the die. the burgulares kill each other to have a bigger share and it seem that the joker planed to kill all of them. we notice the antagomist is the joker. we do not see batman so i could say that the protagomist is the man which tries to stop them from robbing his bank. the disiquilibrium is the robbing of the bank.