Monday 19 September 2011

three colours blue

In the opening scene of the film we can hear a car wheels speeding. After we see the wheels and are shown a little girl who may be the main character because we only see her in the first scene. It show her sitting in the back of a car going through the tunnel she looks tired this maybe because they have been travelling a long time. The car stops to allow the little girl to go out as she is going out the camera does a panning shot because it moves from the girl straight to her father how was stretching his hand this is becuase he had been driving for a long time although we were not shown his face we could notice that he is tired.

We see a close shot of something leaking which could petrol and in the background we hear the mother calling the little girl, 'hurry Anna'. We know her name and that she is travelling wtih her mother and father. They pass a young boy who was playing on a toy, he was a hitcher asking for a ride but the car want straight passed him and he countinued playing with his toy. All of a sudden the car crushes on a tree. the young boy runs to see if he can help them.

When the petrol is leaking it make a dripping sound which we hear, however the petrol can be a symbol that there life's are running out for them. Also the sound off the toy the boy was playing had the same sound as the petrol dripping this may symbolize the same thing and when the boy was able to hit the stone on the stick the car crushed.

The beginning of the film allows us to get an understanding that the film may be about the little girl or the car crush, because we only hear her name and see the car. This maybe because she does not die and will be the main character of the film.

1 comment:

  1. A sound star, mostly descriptive with some attempt to uncover the meaning. More effort in completing the work to the highest standard is needed with every Home Learning task.
