Tuesday 20 September 2011

The opening scene of Se7en, Delicatessen and City of God

In 'se7en' the opening scene gives us a brief idea of the genre of the film, also the creepy sound at the background gives us a clear understanding of what we should expect and what we shouldn't. For example a horror/ thriller film or maybe even sci-fi you tend to see disturbing clips and scary background music, however that isn't always the case. We are introduced by flashing images such as pictures of peoples faces beeing coloured with a red colouring pen, the colour 'red' could suggest violent and blood. Also pictures being cut in a pacfic way, shows this person has planned carefully. However if this person did it in a rush and messy way you would think this person is not prepared and won't succeed. Also pictures being cut could symbolise death and torture One of his main target is to finish this hand made book, which contains several pictures and text written and collected by this person. This clearly shows how desperate and disturbed this person is planning every-step of his task. In my oppinion the target audience should be 15 and over as it has disturbing clips and also violent language, which isn't suitable for those under 15.


The opening scene of Se7en, Delicatessen and City of God

In the frist scene of 'se7en' it tells us that it could be a horror film/ thriller. the sound tune was creepy and squeaky at parts showing it could be a horror film. the reason why it could be a horror film is because the character in the opening scene had pictures of people which he colours there face in this could suggest death and cutting out picture which could suggest that they are his targets. Also he is creating a book which   could mean that it is a task which he is trying to set out. In the beginning of the scene the camera shot would get close and move back which could suggest that the text that we are shown often could play a close

Monday 19 September 2011

three colours blue

In the opening scene of the film we can hear a car wheels speeding. After we see the wheels and are shown a little girl who may be the main character because we only see her in the first scene. It show her sitting in the back of a car going through the tunnel she looks tired this maybe because they have been travelling a long time. The car stops to allow the little girl to go out as she is going out the camera does a panning shot because it moves from the girl straight to her father how was stretching his hand this is becuase he had been driving for a long time although we were not shown his face we could notice that he is tired.

We see a close shot of something leaking which could petrol and in the background we hear the mother calling the little girl, 'hurry Anna'. We know her name and that she is travelling wtih her mother and father. They pass a young boy who was playing on a toy, he was a hitcher asking for a ride but the car want straight passed him and he countinued playing with his toy. All of a sudden the car crushes on a tree. the young boy runs to see if he can help them.

When the petrol is leaking it make a dripping sound which we hear, however the petrol can be a symbol that there life's are running out for them. Also the sound off the toy the boy was playing had the same sound as the petrol dripping this may symbolize the same thing and when the boy was able to hit the stone on the stick the car crushed.

The beginning of the film allows us to get an understanding that the film may be about the little girl or the car crush, because we only hear her name and see the car. This maybe because she does not die and will be the main character of the film.

Friday 16 September 2011

frist five minutes of 3 films

'Daddy day care' is a family film which the whole family can enjoy. In the frist five minutes of the film the put a song to make it more intresting to the aduiences. This was walking on suneshine. which was played from the beginning when the little boy woke up and got out of bed and walked to words the bathroom. the music paused and we could hear the little boy pee. This was meant to be funny and the music continued which made and we saw him brush his teeth. afterward the little boy walked down the stairs and woke his dad up. He asked his dad if he could stay the day but his father had work. After a while they were in the kitten and the little boy was having breakfast and his dad asked where his cell phone was but the little boy hide it so that he would not go to work and then he liked his note cards and made it all sticky to make him more hate so that he would stay. It made it seem as if his dad thought work was more important. This film would be more appealing to children or a family.

'Are we there yet' is a film which you would enjoy as a family. In the first five minutes of the film there was a theme tune to make it more appealing to the adieunce. There was a car driving up towards a house, it was a man which was going to pick up his date. The date had children and the children did not want their mum to go on a date so they set traps. The man got hit with paint ball slipped many time and got hit by a big snow man. The kids told him not to come back ever again, the children believe that their father will come back so they are planning to keep every man as far away from their mum. This is because they feels she to pretty, the girl say they feel sorry for any 'sucker' that comes near their mum. Then another them tune comes on showing a man  going to buy a car. He buy a car which is expensive and 'hot'. while he is driving the car he stop to let children walk past a chids books falls over and he burps the horn; The child sticks his tongue out and he gets out of the car to shout at the kid. this show he dose not like kids and he may be the man that fall for the kids mother. The film seem interesting and is a good film which children and there family's would enjoy.   

'Home alone 4 is a family film'. In the first five of the film it start of in the kitchen and the family are getting ready for school. However one little boy is in the bedroom watching Christmas videos of last Christmas while his mum is calling him to come down stairs. He feel upstet because Christmas wont be the same without his dad and told his mum that he want them to get back together. They are having a conversation about why the separated. He is the youngest which means that his brother and sister tease him. Then his dad walks through the door. This film is mainly for the whole family to enjoy.

How is media vital in modern life?

   In this modern life media plays a big role, we usually tend to use it for personal reasons such as entertainment, socialization, learning, communication, business etc. There are many types of platform in the media such as radio which would be used for getting messages across. TV, magazines for entertainment uses, newspaper and billboard will get information across. Also the computer which is the source of media and you will be able to find many things online.

     The internet is one of the main reasons why the media is so successful and vital to us this is because as we all know we are able to socialize, watch programmes, listen to music, watch videos, read online newspaper, send and receive mail, access website which will give us information on many things. This has allowed people to communicate to other people around the globe and make new friends or relationships. The internet
allows us to find information about the past and the history of many countries and find out where these countries are.

     The mass media allow us to find out what is happening around the world. This shows that the media  is important because it allows us to find out information from around the world, however we also use the media for our own uses such as socialization, communication and entertainment and this may cause us to become too attached and rely on it. For instance people how use the computer to socialize this causes them to hide behind the screen.

       Media can be stereotypical because it has the power to label someone or a group of people for something they are or not and people would believe what they hear but are we sure this may be true. This is because it is very powerful.

    To conclude I think the media is very vital to this modern life because people rely on the media for so many things and if the media was to collapse and we would be lost. The media allows us to make a social life online and meet new people. The media provided use with many things which we use and may need. I find the internet a very useful source off the media which I use.